The words this week are:
Depart, Ignite, and rotten.
Here's Mine:
An American Sentence-Dawn decided to depart before the rotten timbers could ignite.
NanoAmerico^ (an American Sentence sandwiched between two shorter sentences or statements.)
Not wanting to confront Dave. Dawn decided to depart before the rotten timbers could ignite. Her marriage was over. 28042+10
An anagram in the NaiSaiKu style
Granite tent trip ode
Could be an anagram of
Which is an anagram of
Poet in danger titter
My Flash 55
Dawn didn't want the situation to ignite. It would be practically impossible to depart once the rotten timbers caught light. And the Country House Hotel on fire, would make the national news. She knew that Dave would find out about her secret affair, and that would probably mean the end of her marriage as well. 28042+10/2
My NaPoWriMo entries are hosted on my SweetTalkingGuy blog
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