First of all may I take this opportunity to congratulate everybody who completed, or even attempted, the thirty poems in thirty days challenge this year.
As ever, I feel as if I have failed to achieve very much this year, apart from the fact that I was able to complete the April challenge once again.
So, thank you for reading my posts and liking them, here and there, on FaceBook. Also, a very big thank you to the four thousand plus hits I got on my STG bloggage.
Of course it's never about the numbers, but it is nice to know that there are still a few people out there who do actually make/take the time to have a look at my work.
I would like to try and finish the month by writing another piece for my 'Hello Am I Even Home' collection, I had been thinking about the mechanics (for want of a better description) of writing this piece throughout April, but it just never happened.
Hardly holding onto the safety rail
I made my way down the old concrete steps
I slipped a little at the bottom but
recovering quickly I continued my escapade
Only looking around to see if either of my helpers
had noticed that I was missing yet
of course I had no intention of actually escaping
I simply wanted to find out if they would miss me
Starting to shiver a little I wished that
I had put a coat on over my pyjamas
one of my slippers was already soaking wet
and it dawned on me that I hadn't taken my pills
I was already in the city centre
the hustle and bustle and the smell of coffee
that daily greeted the early morning workers
where am I hello am I even escaping
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